About the Leagues

Meldreth and District League

This league is played in two divisions. At the beginning of the season a ballot is drawn, and the two leagues are formed for that season. Both divisions are of equal standing. The winners of each division play off in a final at the end of the season.


Games will consist of 18 ends.

Captains can agree to play in one of three formats:

  1. two practice ends with 2 woods per player and then all shots count; or
  2. maximum of one shot to count on the first two ends; or
  3. in the absence of option 1 or 2, all shots to count on all ends from the beginning of the match.

Mixed teams play in four rinks of triples.


One point to be awarded for each winning rink plus three points for the overall highest shot score.

Foxton Midweek League

This league comprises of just one division. The matches are played on a Wednesday afternoon which offers an opportunity for those, who might otherwise be precluded from doing so in the evenings, to play.


Games will consist of 18 ends.

Mixed teams play three rinks of triples.

In the event of inclement weather captains may agree to rearrange the match (this is the preferred option) but should this not be feasible the captains should agree to tie the match and share the points.

If a match is started it may be stopped by agreement of the captains after ten ends, scores at that point to stand.


One point to be awarded for each winning rink plus two points for the overall highest shot score.

Cambridgeshire County Triples

This league comprises of two divisions. Matches are played on a Thursday evening. Meldreth Bowls Club plays in Division 2.


Games will consist of 18 ends, there will be no practice ends.

Clubs to play 4 rinks of either All Men, All Ladies or Mixed 3 Wood Triples.

Players are not permitted to change places in the rink during the game.


One point to be awarded for each winning rink plus three points for the overall highest shot score.

Club Notices